Category: Group A

Maya Lin

January 1, 2022 Maya Lin, a 21 year old college student, designed the Viet Nam Memorial, and we are now paying the price for her genius. She drew attention to the importance of the individual, replacing emphasis on the ideology of statues—for example of Robert E. Lee or George Washington.  But now the individual is […]

Alan Paton

November 2021 Alan Paton finds himself “no longer able to aspire to the highest with one part of himself and to deny it with another.” It’s tempting for most people to identify with that problem, believing that they too strive towards the highest but are too weak to reach it, and so they torture themselves […]

Telepathy II

When two neurons whose action potentials travel one way come in contact traveling in opposite directions, they create a brief electromagnetic radiation that travels to adjoining neuron clusters or ganglia. That is telepathy in the brains of two people. It occurs only when they are looking at each other. When it happens, however, they are […]

Telepathy I

It’s a common expression: “I know what you’re thinking.” I think, in fact, there is a neural basis for that idea. A neural event is a fragment of a sensation—it transmits as an electro-magnetic radiation. Enough of these coming together will convey a thought. That is why we believe when looking at someone we think […]